Массажисты в Бишкеке

Массажисты г.БишкекТелефонКыргызстан, г.Бишкек,Примечание
40581s Mystic SPA0(312) 61-25-41
0(550) 55-38-38
Чуй, 219instagram whatsapp fb Тайский массаж. Японский массаж. Аппаратный массаж. Спортивный массаж. Релаксирующий массаж. Антицеллюлитный массаж. Лимфодренаж. Оздоровительный массаж.
52411s Здоровье0(555) 80-09-99
0(772) 80-09-99
Чокморова 154whatsapp
k23125s Ирина Василенко0(772) 10-77-20Жибек Жолу 445Врач высшей категории, педиатр, невропатолог, вертебролог, неонатолог, мануальный терапевт.
41286s ЭНДОмассаж0(557) 97-72-99Б.Баатыра, 36/1tg tgbot instagram whatsapp Все виды ручного массажа+ аппаратная методика комплексного восстановления организма.
312.kg — Услуги Бишкека0(312) 55-55-55Дайте себя найти!
Массаж 0(774) 63-45-46Айни 85 Б Моментальный, быстрый, результат!
Массажист на выезд0(556) 07-49-54Тулебердиева 109instagram Все виды массажа.
Медицинские центры Бишкека0(000) 00-00-00
5Mirov0(707) 61-91-32Тоголок Молдо, 40/4Центр здоровья и красоты
Baby Massage0(501) 22-20-15Асанбай, 42/1Центр детского массажа
Body Line0(555) 93-11-28Матросова, 8а
Body sculptor0(706) 88-59-96Льва Толстого, 2
Chill0(770) 00-51-58​Киевская улица, 218​1 этаж
De Shar0(555) 07-35-96Орозбекова, 2/4
Diamond0(558) 39-96-14Суюмбаева, 142На выбор 20 видов массажа.
Dm beauty0(771) 77-19-41​Табышалиева, 72Массажный кабинет
eevee massage0(555) 91-07-84Чуй, 120-122Массаж
Face&Body0(552) 33-37-756 мкр, 25/1
I ownface0(558) 39-92-79​Юнусалиева, 49/1
Indi0(550) 80-08-05Чуй, 158Виды массажа: классический, релакс, лимфодренажный
i_ownface0(556) 75-97-76Чуй, 114Услуги массажиста
Kamin Thai0(557) 35-56-44​Уметалиева, 171
Kids Massage0(500) 66-08-33​Киевская, 197
Medest0(558) 39-95-35​Севастопольская, 33/1
Minarium0(500) 20-60-90Кереге-Таш, 64Массажный салон
Monarch0(558) 39-97-00​Айылчиева, 91аМассажный салон
Nuraiymmurzali0(552) 64-53-40Фрунзе, 400Услуги массажиста
Oasis0(701) 33-87-33Чуй, 136Массажный салон «Oasis»
One massage0(501) 11-18-99​Усенбаева, 106
Panda spa0(558) 39-94-54​Ибраимова, 30/1Массажная студия
Pulse Gem0(559) 33-88-87Турусбекова, 82Аппаратная коррекция фигуры.
Seven Spa Room0(509) 28-22-82Фрунзе, 429Б
Siam0(551) 60-18-18Токтогула, 124/1Салон тайского массажа. SPA-комплекс «королевство сиам»
Siam massage0(558) 39-93-44​Байтик Баатыра, 34/2
Spamassage0(555) 20-21-95Чуй, 127
Tamga massage0(558) 39-98-00Тыныстанова, 189/1
Vaha0(558) 39-89-07​Байтик Баатыра, 37
Авокадо0(558) 39-93-26​VEFA Center​, 602 каб
Азбука Тела0(502) 98-88-28​Байтик Баатыра, 98Услуги массажиста
Алик Массаж0(999) 30-90-40Айтматова, 67
Асахи0(558) 39-89-95пер. Керимбекова, 13/1
Бережной0(706) 48-71-11Огонбаева 93, ​1 этажУслуги остеопата
Биос мир0(707) 41-17-115мкр, дом 56-аЦентр восточной корейской медицины. Мануальная/баночная/иглотерапия
Биоэнерго0(555) 13-09-96Бейшеналиевой, 20Услуги массажиста
Виктория Игоревна0(554) 75-10-30 на выездВсе виды массажа.
Висцеральный массаж0(704) 50-10-71Суеркулова, 28/2Лечение 250 болезней при помощи Восточной медицины.
Все виды массажа0(558) 51-40-20
Газания0(500) 99-06-69​Кок-Джар, 86Массажный салон
Данияр Эгинбаев0(554) 14-29-42Тыныстанова, 1Массаж HOT STONE на спину — 1000 сом
Джукеева Айсулуу0(551) 15-25-32Жибек Жолу 179МАССАЖ/ КОСТОПРАВ/ МАНУАЛЬНАЯ ТЕРАПИЯ
Женский массаж0(770) 20-07-05Женские массажные практики на выезд с кушеткой к Вам.
Зюбина0(556) 34-23-44Детский массаж
Ирина Гайрунова0(555) 36-48-68Исанова, 117Услуги массажиста
Кабинет массажа0(708) 52-58-54Анкара, 10Б
Калмурза Джолдошев0(779) 22-62-58Юг-2, д.19, кв.1Сколиоз, остеохондроз, ДЦП, ожирение, истощение, астма, бронхит, грыжа позвоночника, энурез, полиартрит, простатит, ангина, аденоиды носа, грипп, загиб матки… тел. Алматы: +7777 810-68-56 Ежегодно с 15 июля по 5 сентября массаж проводится на северном берегу Иссык-Куля.
КАН ЧАО0(312) 54-88-98Радищева, 37
Кубанычбек0(700) 92-05-15Фучика, 18а к2
Леди0(700) 19-66-03Аламедин-1, 50а
Лечебный массаж0(702) 61-84-74Джамгерчинова, 142а
Магнум0(556) 54-34-56Ахунбаева 127/1 каб.802Биоэнергетический массажист – Серикова Наталья. Амина Хиязова – профессиональный массажист, все виды массажа только для женщин.
Массаж0(772) 44-80-498 мкр, 31-б, на выездЛечебный массаж.
Массаж0(555) 77-50-77выездОздоровительные виды массажа
Массаж0(707) 00-08-38Более 10 видов массажа
Массаж0(550) 40-13-03Массаж для женщин!
Массаж0(700) 04-30-33Массаж для женщин и детей.
Массаж0(773) 66-25-75Детский врач-массажист с опытом работы более 25 лет.
Массаж0(555) 01-10-98Массаж восточно-лечебный профилактический
Массаж0(500) 43-44-11Все виды массажа
Массаж0(709) 10-13-16Классика, спортивный, Лечебный, вакуумный, медовый
Массаж0(700) 86-73-58Массаж классический,точечный, медовый, баночный
Массаж0(707) 28-85-49Детскиий общий профилактический и лечебный массаж
Массаж0(500) 49-94-44Детский, Лечебный
Массаж0(556) 76-61-19Баночный, медовый, лечебный, классический, антистресс
Массаж0(500) 60-55-50Все виды массажа класический, антацелюлитный
Массаж0(554) 67-52-75Делаю массаж : лечебный, баночный, классический
Массаж, иглотерапия0(551) 48-31-03
Массажист0(558) 90-09-00Молодой Гвардии, 147аВсе виды массажа: классический, релакс, антицеллюлитный, спортивный, нейроседативный, лечебный.
Массажный кабинет0(700) 63-37-33Тыналиева, 3/5
Массажный кабинет0(709) 52-35-79Чуй пр, 277
Массажный кабинет0(779) 55-64-65Жибек-Жолу пр, 344
Массажный кабинет0(706) 23-22-70​Киевская, 137
Массажный кабинет0(703) 51-44-63Жибек-Жолу, 561
Массажный кабинет0(708) 73-74-38Чуй, 202
Массажный кабинет0(708) 77-57-57Бейшеналиевой, 22/1
Массажный кабинет0(705) 87-65-35​Бейшеналиевой, 22/4
Массажный кабинет0(556) 05-08-69​Киевская, 255а
Массажный кабинет0(553) 02-53-21Жибек-Жолу, 179
Массажный кабинет0(550) 67-30-35​12 мкр, 26
Массажный салон0(220) 63-10-12Абдрахманова, 230в
Массажный салон0(708) 42-24-48Байтик Баатыра, 37
Олег Андреевич0(555) 52-00-83Детский массаж
Ольга Ивановна0(773) 98-96-76Стаж 24 года! Лечебный массаж!
Омур-Улан0(707) 76-76-77Московская, 163
Остеомед0(700) 21-30-00Улан, 1/2
Остеопат0(552) 02-99-99Садырбаева, 282Евразийский институт остеопатической медицины
Прусаков Сергей0(778) 70-00-09
Реабилитационный центр КГМА0(558) 39-98-397-й микрорайон, 52аЛФК, взрослый и детский массаж, услуги невролога и остеопата!
Сабиров С.0(553) 93-90-01Буденного, 169а
Сергей Викторович0(702) 99-37-77Манаса, 41/1Массажный кабинет работает с 7.00-20.00 ч.
Скульптурный массаж0(555) 64-53-40Фрунзе, 400
СПА0(312) 62-26-94Орозбекова, 87Наши специалисты сделают все для быстрого восстановления сил и снятия усталости.
Стрекоза0(702) 44-31-00​Тоголок Молдо, 23
Тай-Юань0(551) 00-05-49​Тимирязева, 15Оздоровительный массаж
Томатис0(558) 64-05-35​Рыскулова, 66
Французский массаж 0(552) 52-10-25Французский массаж тела, для женщин! Цель: похудение, лимфодренаж.
Хуров Ш.А0(772) 17-12-86Восток-5, дом 10/7Массаж все виды.
Центр тибетской медицины0(555) 11-55-55ул.Айни, 15Массаж. SPA-процедуры. Мануальная терапия
Эффект0(505) 15-12-87​7 мкр, 12/1

2 комментария к “Массажисты в Бишкеке”

  1. This depends on how long you have been coaching and your restoration abilities, which tie in with that.
    By lowering your vary of movement, you’re solely cheating yourself.
    Only progress the load you’re lifting when you’ll have the ability
    to full the designated rep range comfortably, with unbreakable kind.

    You’ll be completing quite a lot of rep ranges over
    the course of this overreaching 7-day workout plan. However there’s one common theme you want to bear in mind when choosing the proper masses to work with.
    There’s no higher method to finish this overreaching
    7-day day exercise plan than with a 3rd decrease physique workout.

    You don’t should let the bar come to a complete cease in your chest like a powerlifter, however be positive to lower the bar with
    control and don’t bounce it off your chest to get it up once more.
    You might have the flexibility to handle extra weight on the bar, however you’re
    utilizing momentum and leverage to raise it. Hold it beneath management and press the bar upwards using your muscle
    power to complete the lift. The barbell squat is the most well-liked and certain the most effective train to improve general athletic performance, regardless of sport.
    It’s also a competitive carry in powerlifting, a fantastic bodybuilding train for decrease physique development, and
    the first exercise in Bodybuilding for Newbies.

    Stomach fat won’t stand an opportunity as you ramp
    up your day by day energy expenditure and carve out a physique that’s each athletic and aesthetic equal measure.
    In turn, the loss of muscle and elevated fats ranges can result in anabolic resistance and an elevated risk of
    diseases similar to diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart illness.
    I firmly imagine that besides the excellent push pull legs routine, this routine is certainly one of the
    best routines I even have ever used. Just because
    you have «rest» days doesn’t imply you don’t do anything.
    In fact, that is the time to get issues carried out that you’ve
    been laying aside.
    If you want to grow quickly but safely, use the 3-day split because it provides
    you with sufficient rest. The key’s consistency as a end result of you don’t need
    to overlook a day that will impair your capability to recover and develop.
    Lastly and most significantly, it’ll teach the beginner to
    be in preserving with their workout and have strict
    discipline, one thing that will assist them significantly in their weightlifting life.

    If you probably did every little thing proper this week, you should be sore from yesterday’s workout.
    Be secure when lifting though, you don’t wish to get injured.
    The most important thing to recollect is to not surrender
    and to maintain understanding, do not miss a day as a result of this can mess up your whole schedule.

    For example, on Monday carry out Exercise A, on Wednesday
    perform Workout B and Friday Perform Workout A. Take two days of rest and begin off
    the next Monday with workout B. For our pull motion compound train we’re going to be specializing in the Barbell Row.
    I’d like you to maintain the rep vary for these bent-over barbell rows on the
    upper aspect, round 10 – 15 reps to keep away from heaving the burden with dangerous form to avoid threat of
    damage. I don’t write an entire lot about dietary supplements as a end result of,
    for essentially the most half, they really aren’t that huge of a help for constructing muscle mass.
    There is strong proof that creatine may help increase muscle mass, and it’s secure for most folks.

    Bodybuilders use them to increase muscle mass and enhance muscle power
    and performance. Eating carbohydrates round your exercises improves
    performance, especially in case your training sessions last more than 45 minutes and consist
    of no much less than 8–10 units. No one-size-fits-all fat intake for constructing muscle exists, however most bodybuilders profit from
    a reasonable intake. Too little fat might lower your testosterone ranges, and an excessive amount of may
    not go away room for sufficient intakes of dietary protein and carbs.
    The pyramid training system is a strength-training
    and bodybuilding method the place you increase or decrease the weight from set to set.

    This method, you’re making higher use of your inter-set relaxation intervals by doing another train. You won’t want as a lot relaxation between single-joint workout
    routines, corresponding to dumbbell curls, lateral raises and pressdowns.
    So make certain to keep a training diary, write down your numbers,
    and always try to beat your previous exercise ultimately.
    The dumbbell hammer curl is finished along with your thumbs up and palms going through each other like you’re holding a hammer.
    Doing the exercise this way, rather than together with your palms dealing with up, nonetheless hits the biceps, but
    brings the brachialis, one other muscle in your higher arm, into
    All of this stuff are conducive to constructing a robust, wholesome, athletic physique.
    This routine was used in preparation for competitors to achieve
    peak situation. They were aggressive and motivated one another to coach exhausting.
    For your corrective train, if you need to do a Face Pull once more, you’d be
    making me joyful. Our warmup would be the Multidirectional Lunge which is the
    exercise of choice for that lunge motion sample.
    It’s basically the same as what we just went over is #5.
    The purpose this strategy works so nicely is that it permits you to concentrate
    on one muscle so that you simply can exhaust that muscle.
    Then you give that muscle a full week to recover, which allows that muscle to develop
    larger. An efficient exercise with the least variety of completely
    different workout routines would want to include an train from most (but not necessarily all) of
    those categories. The program additionally entails different
    workouts for every muscle group, which has an quite a lot of benefits.

    Nonetheless, the times of the week that you practice aren’t set in stone.
    If you can’t make it to the health club on Monday, Wednesday
    and Friday, you would always train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
    You’ll find a link to the 3 day full body exercise PDF at the bottom of this
    web page.
    Excessive volume really simply means you’re doing more overall sets and reps.
    And if you’re starting out with heavyweights, you’re naturally going to want to relaxation extra between these units.
    So your workout may be longer, like 45 minutes to an hour.
    In fact, I truly have another post that offers you the pros and cons of both short, intense workouts vs excessive volume workouts.
    This method you can choose what bodybuilding exercise plan works best
    for you. Or you can do a cardio session in your non-weight training days.

    If you’re bored with using other splits or not seeing outcomes,
    we’re pretty certain this can get you the outcomes you’re seeking.
    This intermediate workout plan is a 4 day break up exercise routine.

    That is, you workout 2 days adopted by relaxation and working out one other 2 days and another 2 days of relaxation. You should give your muscular tissues enough time
    to recuperate from both exercise days and stimulate proper muscle development.

    Full-body exercises can be made to work for beginner, intermediate and advanced
    trainees alike.
    Some say that training your abs is unnecessary, that other compound actions care for them, and that abs are made in the kitchen. They develop bigger and stronger, and if you would like stand-out
    abdominals, deal with them like the relaxation of your
    muscle tissue and work them onerous. In Addition To, you don’t want that sort or quantity of training but.

    You’ll expertise maximum gains from a number of units per muscle per week and get a mild and efficient introduction to bodybuilding.
    Typically referred to as newbie positive aspects, you quickly gain muscle and turn out to be stronger whenever you take up weight training for the
    first time.
    As lengthy as you eat a varied diet based chiefly on unrefined meals, avoiding or
    lowering refined and ultra-processed options,
    you probably don’t have to fret an extreme amount of about it.
    It’s important you prepare your complete body to avoid imbalances and
    to develop all your main muscle teams. It’s the basic precept to realize muscle for
    each younger and old. If you wish to be on the safe facet, feel free to seek the guidance of your physician earlier than hitting the weights.

    Lastly, weeks 9-12 see the most important ‘change up’ in your programming.
    There’s no need for us to grab your attention with fantastically
    creative, and infrequently bizarre exercise routines when the easy stuff works
    best. This program is structured to give you the absolute best
    result inside the 12-week time frame. 1) Great for novices
    and common trainers seeking to develop a muscular, athletic physique.
    Imagine it or not, not everybody desires to be in the gym daily.
    In truth, I’d guess the majority of individuals going to the fitness center
    are simply making an attempt to be wholesome and look fairly good, and that’s perfectly okay.

    The barbell squat isn’t solely a competitive raise in powerlifting and the preferred train to
    improve athletic efficiency. It’s also probably the greatest leg workouts for building
    muscle in your lower body and a staple of many bodybuilding applications.
    An glorious selection for anyone, whether you’re simply
    beginning out or you’re a seasoned lifter, is a
    full-body exercise plan. This methodology works all your main muscle teams in every session, and sure, it’s a powerhouse approach for constructing
    each strength and muscle. Say your program
    calls for 3 units of 10 to 12 reps on the dumbbell bench press.
    If you schlep to the gym four times every week, choose up
    a random pair of dumbbells, and do a couple of sets of random reps for a handful of
    workout routines, your results aren’t going
    to final. One of the major points that issues most when trying to add muscle mass
    is the variety of repetitions you do for every exercise in your workout plan.
    Rob King explains this more in his article Pyramid Coaching on schwarzenegger.com.
    But many discuss with the golden era of bodybuilders from the late 60s and 70s.
    This is when guys like Arnold, Frank Zane, Franco Columbo have been huge (as in big-time,
    however I guess bodily massive applies right here as well!).

    Fats is a good power supply and retains your cells wholesome, increases the uptake of several vitamins, and permits your physique to supply many hormones,
    including testosterone. On the opposite hand, you’ll need to have the time to spend almost daily within the
    fitness center. The hanging knee elevate is a good total core train, because it targets
    your abs and hip flexors. Avoid swinging your physique backwards and forwards to focus all the work to your stomach area.
    Don’t use physique momentum to get the bar all the way down to
    your chest. Rocking forwards and backwards during the lat
    pulldown is a typical mistake. Sure, it allows you to use more weight, however you scale back the quantity of work your lats
    are doing.
    In weeks 1-4 you’ll be focusing on every major muscle group.
    There’s no room for an old-school ‘split’ routine as a end result of
    that strategy doesn’t work properly here. 12 weeks is the right period of time to see actual gains and actual
    adjustments to your body. By building muscle you’ll keep away from sarcopenia and
    help to maintain your metabolic rate firing on all cylinders.

    This train will primarily work your front delts, along with your triceps and side
    delts as secondarily working muscles. In addition, you will use your
    core, hips, and rotator cuff as stabilizing musculature all
    through the exercise. Hold your knees barely bent all through the motion, specializing in a full range of motion and getting an excellent stretch on the bottom.
    This article outlines an excellent workout for building large quads and hamstrings, obtainable in your StrengthLog workout tracker app.
    Try this 10-point program to blast off kilos of body fats.

    Take 5 grams of creatine per day, after your workout on training days and with a meal on rest days.
    Adding it to a post-workout protein shake is a wonderful approach to remember to take
    it. Training every other day is a good way to each stimulate your muscle tissue over the
    complete week and to permit them enough recovery between exercises.
    Working out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays offers you the weekend free, however plan your training week around your personal life and schedule.

    You can break up your physique into several coaching classes where you practice a couple of muscle groups
    every exercise, or you can prepare your entire body each exercise.

    As A Result Of of this, advanced lifters could benefit from
    higher-frequency splits to keep stimulating muscle development and keep away
    from any «downtimes» where muscles aren’t being signaled to grow.

    Anabolic steroids are artificial variations of the male intercourse hormone testosterone, used to construct muscle, gain strength, and increase efficiency by athletes
    seeking to gain an advantage. Each male and female bodybuilders use them
    for his or her muscle building results and to get well sooner.
    The solely supplement scientifically proven to increase
    power, increase performance, and help you gain muscle mass, creatine
    is the go-to choice for any bodybuilder. The more
    chubby you are, the extra aggressive you may be along with
    your caloric restriction with out losing muscle mass.

    Nonetheless, for gaining muscle mass concurrently and sustaining your vitality levels within the fitness center, a caloric deficit of around 500 kcals per day is right for many bodybuilders.

    Whereas others imagine this type of training
    is simply an extreme quantity of on your muscular tissues to recuperate from.
    For instance, if you are capable of do 8 reps with a specific amount of weight,
    aim to do extra reps with that very same weight the next week.
    This is the place you give consideration to growing your
    reps earlier than including extra weight. So the sweet spot is likely
    gonna be for most workout routines and most of the people is between 5
    and 15 reps, which is usually a reasonable load.
    Whereas this isn’t essential, it has been proven (in some research
    at least) to have a small but beneficial impact on muscle growth [3].

    In most cases, working a muscle group 2-3 occasions per week will produce
    a quicker fee of hypertrophy than coaching it once every
    week. As nicely as saving time, paired sets might even make you
    stronger. In one examine, a group of trained males was in a place to do significantly more reps on the leg
    extension after they did the leg curl beforehand [2].
    As you’ll have the ability to see, in workout four, as soon as you’re in a place to do 8
    reps in all three units, you add weight in the fifth exercise and repeat the cycle.
    On the flip side, with some of the exercises that come later in the exercise,
    the muscles being worked are already warm, so that you won’t need
    many, if any, warm-up units. In concept, you
    want to get enough stomach stimulation with
    your weight coaching exercises.
    You deserve this day off, make sure to eat proper and relaxation. If you’re sore from the day earlier than, massage and stretch those sore muscles.

    If you’re not sore, then consider using heavier weight subsequent time.

    You’ve most likely realized there’s no room for restoration throughout this 7-day exercise
    plan. Examine out this 12-week muscle building program for beginners information for much less skilled guys desirous to get jacked.


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